
Friday, 30 March 2012

Who is Secret Mother?

image from flickr by Greg Condon

A friendly person on the subway stands and offers you her seat. It's been 16 months since you gave birth. Do you take the seat, or tell her you're not fucking pregnant anymore?

You return to work, guns blazing, and the boss passes you over for a promotion. Twice. She says, "But darling, you weren't here..."

You are on your knees, confronting the expanse of vomit between you and your child's crib and questioning your multiple attempts to sleep train him. You think, "He's doing this on purpose," though the books tell you otherwise.

We met in a mothers' group, sitting on the floor with our babies plunked down beside us, talking about the sweet and the sour of new motherhood. From day one we created a safe place to share our mistakes and disappointments and fantasies and triumphs. Our top priority was to really listen to each other. In listening, we realized how similar new moms are: no matter how diverse our backgrounds, we are all overwhelmed and clueless.

We soon learned that the need to share doesn't end when the support group does, and we continued the conversation through emails and via texts and over drinks. And now through this blog, where we are brutally honest about what we go through every day. This is not for the newly pregnant or the eternally optimistic. This is the hard truth. Along with some overwhelming joy.