
Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Screw Spiderman — Dress Your Kid as Don Draper!

Cookie is going as Pocahontas for Halloween this year (not that she’s “going” anywhere; I’m
trying to avoid the whole candy thing as long as possible, as pointless as that may be), mainly because someone gave us the hand-me-down costume for free, and because it’s a dress, which definitely trumps the handmade pumpkin costume her grandmother slaved over. Cookie will wear anything as long as it’s a dress. I’m hoping that’ll change before next year, before she outgrows the pumpkin. Yeah right.

But I really want her to have a unique costume. Last year she went as Princess Leia, which I
thought wasn’t too bad. (Look at that: two princess costumes in a row from the anti-princess
mama.) However, I was blown away by this Flavorwire post.

The year after the pumpkin, Cookie’s totally going as Frida Kahlo.

-East End Mama

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