
Monday, 12 November 2012

My Shopping Compulsion

Do you ever find yourself buying things that your baby or child doesn’t really need and you can’t really afford? 

I do.

I was never much of a shopper before I had J-man, but now I find it hard to resist shopping for things for him. This impulsion covers all kinds of things: toys, outfits, art supplies, hair products, videos, books, and food. I am not certain what the draw is, but I see things and I find myself talking myself into buying things. Last week I bought him Spiderman shoes. They are way too big and probably don’t have good arch support, but they were just so cute!

When I returned home, my husband looked at me sideways. “What does he need those for? It’s going to be a while before they fit — no?”

I was caught and didn’t have much to say — they will fit eventually. They were just so cute!

It got me thinking about all of the things I’d previously bought — a pair of rain boots that never did fit, crafts that he can’t use until he’s a little older, noise toys that drive us crazy, a dinosaur set that is so spiky he could poke an eye out. They were all just so cute.

Do you remember your baby shower? How many things did you get or put on your registry that you thought you needed but never used? I had a few, but wasn’t everything just so cute?

I don’t have an answer for why the advertisers or product developers get me, but they do. Just thought I’d toss it out there. I have a house full of things that I’m not sure we need and certainly couldn’t afford. Do I just want him to have everything and to try everything?

Sleepwalking Mama

[image: shopping carts]

1 comment:

  1. Yes. yes. yes. YES. Help. Lets go shopping.
