
Friday, 14 June 2013

Why Are We Writing?


Well, why am I writing?

People ask this a lot when I mention that I have a blog.

There is no “good’ answer, other than that sometimes it’s nice to reflect on what a particular moment means, write it down, and then share it with likeminded friends.

As Gray Mama wrote, we are attending BlogHer 13 in Chicago in July. And while I am interested in learning and attending seminars (and seeing Sheryl Sandberg — obviously), I am also just looking forward to this blog doing what it does best for me — providing me with some solace. Some time. Some peace. Some friendship. Some laughs and, yes, probably some tears. I write this blog because I will never make my kids a decent scrapbook and I have already missed the boat on taking a photo of them every month and then setting it to a Coldplay song on YouTube. I am not overly sentimental and I love giving things to Goodwill so I am sure all baby blankets will be gone one day, and in this era of iPhone photos that never get printed and mommies who work, work, work, I write these little snippets of my family life for them. For Loulou and W. I want them to have some small glimpse into the person I am/was. I want them to have a sense of just how much I love their chubby arms and silky hair. And also what I am really thinking when I scold them or teach them hard lessons.

It is hard in the moment to really think about why we say what we do to our kids, or why we feel so frustrated when they just refuse to do what ever it is we are so intent on doing. But upon reflection I find we can usually piece it together.

I write this blog for me, too. It is one of the few times a week (month) where I sit at the computer with no agenda. I usually sip coffee or play music and try to take a few deep breaths. Something I don’t normally do.

So, no, this blog doesn’t earn us money and I am not even sure that anyone is reading it half the time, but I am going to keep writing it. It makes me happy to write and it makes me REALLY happy to read what the other mamas are saying. I am always in awe of how our seemingly different lives are usually running so parallel. (Except in the baby #2 department — I am alone there.)

-Tightrope Mama

[image: untitled by sadie harris]

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