
Monday, 30 September 2013

Will Poo for Candy

Here we are, 3 years old! Still in a diaper — no excuses, bad mommy! Daycare said he’s the smartest boy, but he can’t go to senior preschool till he’s out of the diaper. That lit my fire — my laziness is holding him back academically.

That weekend it was cold turkey. “If you want a diaper you have to put it on yourself,” I boldly stated.

The poor ol’ Lightning McQueen undies never knew what hit them. It was pee city for the first day. Miraculously the poo went where it was supposed to. Amazing!

Of course, I did have a secret: I was filling W with M&Ms, two for pee and four for poo. And I waved that rainbow-coloured crack in front of him for 48 straight hours. I even ate them in front of him to make him salivate.

Like most things you have to endure as a parent, toilet training has been a learning curve for me too. I have had to pack extra clothes when we go out, remind myself to be patient, remind myself to remind him to pee. In short, I have to do one of the things I do worst — slow down. Sit. Wait. Maybe that is why I put it off so long — I don’t want to spend ten minutes in the Costco bathroom. I don’t want to do even more laundry.

I am happy to report that at about ten days in, we are almost accident free. However, I am slightly less stoked about senior preschool since I learned there was no price differential between the junior and senior rooms. But, I think I can almost stop buying those ridiculously expensive size SIX diapers! Small victories…

And, just for laughs here are a few snippets from recent conversations between W and me:

“Look, I pooed three logs!”
“Look, I pooed a tree!”
“I pooed a circle — I can poo any shape!”
“Bye poo! See you later…”
“Okay, I pooed! Can I have M&Ms NOW?’

Tightrope Mama

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