
Monday, 17 December 2012

Secret Mother in the Kitchen, Part 3

I hope you all don’t think this is a cop-out, but my recipe is from the back of a corn starch box!
But, I swear it makes the best cookies, and who can resist all the adorable cookie cutters at
this time of year? Plus, you can add lots of sprinkles, icing, and extra layers of sugar once the
cookies are out of the oven. If you don’t have cookie cutters, you can use the bottom of a glass
to make circles or roll into a rectangle and cut in to squares. Or, do as the recipe says below
and make them in to balls (BORING!)

Best served with hot cocoa and Bailey’s or eggnog with rum.

Grandma’s Shortbread (the name from the box)
1/2 c corn starch
1/2 c icing sugar
1 c all-purpose flour
3/4 c butter, softened

Sift together corn starch, icing sugar and flour. With a wooden spoon, blend in butter until a soft
smooth dough forms.

Shape into 1 inch balls. If dough is too soft to handle, cover and chill 30 to 60 minutes. Place
1 1/2 inches apart on ungreased cookie sheet; flatten with lightly floured fork. OR, roll dough to
1/4 inch (6 mm); cut into shapes with cookie cutter. Decorate with candied cherries, coloured
sprinkles or nuts, if desired.

Bake in 300°F oven 15 to 20 minutes or until edges are lightly browned. Cool on wire rack.
Makes 24 cookies (or fewer if you use cutters).

-Tightrope Mama

[Source: Canada Corn Starch box, image: in the kitchen]

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