
Friday, 15 February 2013

Small Smiles

I just finished editing a particularly painful post, and I need a smile. It was painful to read because I love this person dearly and I can’t even imagine what she was going through and I am amazed by how brave and strong she is. It caused me to think of all the little things I do to make myself smile when I’m working on something difficult or have just dealt with a particularly torturous bedtime routine. Here are a few things that are making me smile right now.


I frequently curse my parents for instilling a begrudging yen for country music in me during my childhood (also, show tunes), but then someone like this comes along and makes it all worthwhile. Dreamboat! Is the song any good? Does it matter?

I am an unapologetic fan of Pride and Prejudice. I didn’t think it could get any better. But it can. This modern take on the saga, told through new media, is so adorbs and addictive. Watch it from the beginning, four minutes at a time.

9-Eyes is a project by photographer Jon Rafman, wherein he sifts through Google Street Views to collect screenshots of the most outrageous and incredible images caught by Google’s roving cameras. Demilked has posted some of the best, like one of a tiger just strolling across a parking lot: 

I have a crush on a car. There is a house around the corner from me that has a Vantage parked out front several months of the year. Obviously it’s not there now, because it’s February in Toronto, but that’s okay because every day in November that I walk down the street and see it there I feel anxious. I just want it to be safe, away from the salt and the slush. And I know it’s really truly spring when I see it again in March or April.

I still remember when I saw my first Aston Martin in real life, shortly after they first came to Canada. I was marathon training in a hoity-toity part of town when it rumbled past. I was exhilarated enough to speed up and chase it for a little while. I’m pretty sure I was a bit turned on. By a car. Whatever; anyways, I knew then that I was in love, or lust, or something like that. Then, in Gatwick airport once, I got to sit in one, but not nearly long enough before they chased me away so someone else could sit in it. Then we moved house, and for some reason someone down the street from us actually owned one. It was dark grey and perfect. I had to be near it.

Then they traded it in for a “cobalt blue” one. Really? Okay, maybe grey isn’t for everyone, but… I’m all about the neutrals, so I shouldn’t judge. It’s still pretty. If I see it driving in front of me, I can’t help but tailgate a little.

The crux of the matter is that I get more excited by my neighbours’ car than I do by a lot of things these days. Sad, but true. So I also got excited about this video for the V12 Zagato.
I’ll take one in “carbon black,” please.

Wallbanger by Alice Clayton 
Right, so the smutty book thing is still happening, which is fine by me because these things are too much fun to edit. In the interest of market research, I read a few from time to time. This one I fell in love with, utterly. It’s friggin hilarious and pretty hot too.

The closest thing I can find to Sassy. Remember Sassy? God, I miss it sometimes. 

Skyfall  is out on DVD on February 12! It will be my Valentine’s Day gift, I just know it, at least if Cookie’s dad knows what’s good for him. I will probably stay up far too late on far too many nights after Cookie is in bed in order to watch this. Possibly on February 14.

Beckham in His Undies
Just... this:

Videos of Cookie
Obviously. Also, she’s currently into The Sound of Music, so it’s pretty hilarious to hear her go through the entire songbook. Apparently the show tunes thing is hereditary in my family.

Please share with us the little things that make you smile in those spare moments between chaos and exhaustion. We could all use some.

-East End Mama

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