
Friday, 5 April 2013

Sleep Training 102

I did it already. I trained a kid to sleep. Well, actually he was a baby. I trained a baby to
sleep. I can do this. I can make LouLou sleep. Alone. In a crib.

She is such a happy baby it feels criminal to let her (make her) cry. But I know it is part
of the deal. I can’t have a baby in my bed forever. For one thing I have to actually sit
up and flash my cell light to see if my husband is even in the bed. Secondly, she kicks
me — hard.

When W was a baby I would sit on the couch and cry as I listened to him scream in his
crib. And up until today, when LouLou would cry I would just run up and carry her to my
bed. But today I turned up the TV and let her cry. For a whopping 12 minutes. Then she
stopped. She is sleeping again — probably not for too long, but for a few minutes at
least — and the world hasn’t ended.

Small victories. This is motherhood.

-Tightrope Mama

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