
Friday, 25 October 2013

Things that Made Me Happy Today

Here’s another round-up of crazy and/or useful links to brighten your day.

Admit it: you wonder too. Cookie sings this at daycare. (Except, I hope, the part where they sing “What the fox say?”) The video’s just a tad creepy, so I wouldn’t recommend it for kids. But if you haven’t heard of this yet, you will. Recorded as a joke by two Norwegian talk show hosts, “The Fox” made it to Billboard’s Hot 100 top ten. Seriously.

Definitely not a kid-friendly site, but the archive is full of kid-friendly goodness for their tummies. Thug Kitchen has brilliant healthy recipes, mostly vegan. Just…if your kid can read, don’t open this in front of them. I am so trying these peach pancakes this weekend, if I can find decent peaches in October. Which is a challenge, admittedly.

I’m stealing some of these. I may have already used the rope/swing/Muskoka-chair-with-beer trick.

Not terribly SFW. Most of us here are well past the point of throwing bachelorette parties. Unless they’re second marriages, that is. Or sometimes third. Sigh. But just in case you’ve thrown a rockin’ bachelorette and for some unfathomable reason have a barely used penis cake pan that you’ve no idea what to do with, here are some brilliant suggestions. Here’s another one: Kijiji that shit.

Every once in a while I forget that STFU Parents exists, and then I hear something about placenta printing and I remember. Well, it’s that time of year at STFUP, the time when the scariest, most nauseating things that parents post on social media (like, say, placenta prints) are shoved to front and centre for us to point and laugh/cringe at. If you can get around the ads, that is. The fun is just starting, so check back often.

For the first time in my life, I clicked on a sidebar ad. Crazy, I know. Why would anyone do that? Well, I’ve had a picture of a pair of boots hanging on my bulletin board for literally years now. Like, it moved with me. And then one day, there were almost the exact same boots flashing at me in a sidebar ad. So I had to.

Turns out they were on a site called JustFab. They’re not real leather, but that’s okay because no matter how well I take care of boots, they really only last me one season anyways because I wear the hell out of them, so I’ve started buying cheap ones every year. Not ideal, but oh well. But get this: they were $40 (plus S&H). And they were on my doorstep the next morning.

The catch is that it’s a subscription service. Every month you get an email with a list of things you might be interested in, and you have to either purchase something or opt out by a deadline. They sell footwear, handbags, jewellery, and denim, so the selection is a bit limited. But it’s pretty of the moment, and the quality’s not bad for the price. Most things are $40, although there’s a leather collection that tops out at $90. And did I mention I got the boots the next morning? Crazy.

Since I saw those boots, I’ve opted out one month and bought a second item the third month. It was another one of those inspired moments — angels sang and a beam of light shone on my laptop. Years and years ago I had a dream in which I was wearing pinstripe jeans, like I had in grade seven, and the next day I thought, “I miss pinstripe jeans,” so I went to a few vintage shops but came up empty. No one had pinstripe jeans. Even now I mention them to friends who are the same age as me and they have no idea what I’m talking about. I didn’t imagine this, people. Pinstripe jeans were a thing, I swear.

And then, in my latest JustFab email, there they were. Pinstripe jeans, like I’ve been searching for for almost a decade. The very next morning, on my way out of the house to drive Cookie to daycare, I tripped over them on the doorstep. They fit perfectly. There are so many other ways I’d rather shop and so many businesses I’d rather support, and I really don’t want to be a shill for any company. But time is money, right? Plus, this just seems to fill a particular need of mine insanely well.

One of us is pregnant and wondering what she’s going to dress up as for Halloween. I said, “Pregnant nun, obviously.” So classic. Or sooo done, depending on your perspective. Turns out there are lots of brilliant options. My favourite is Marge from Fargo. Really feeling robbed that I was only barely pregnant on Halloween.
(Note: Linking to a pro-life site doesn’t constitute an endorsement of its views.)

East End Mama

[image: via pregnant chicken]

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