
Saturday, 7 April 2012

Before and Afterbirth


Before: I always felt fat, but could disguise my pudgy belly. I’m lanky. Losing that
magical five pounds? Not a problem.

After: Rolling flab. The Guppins is still breastfeeding, or as her father so glamourously
expresses it, “still on the tit.” So why isn’t she sucking the fat out of me? My breasts are
like a sideshow and my once skinny — yes, skinny — legs now have a PUDGE to them.

And does anyone else feel like they have a gaping hole of nothing somewhere between
their pelvis and spine?


Before: Okay, I wouldn’t say I was Helen of Troy down there, but I could live with things.
And have sex with things.

After: It’s like, “Hmm, what’s that?” And look out allergy season, because every time I
sneeze I pee my pants.


I actually look pretty good in the post-birth photos. But now I have miniature bananas
parked below my eyeballs.


Once the exclusive domain of private luxury; now littered with stuffed animals, rumpled
sheets, damp spots from kamikaze diaper changes, dirt. Now, my bed represents
conflict: Stay in your crib. SHHH. Okay, get in the bed, but you can’t have booby.
Scream, cry (what do my tenants think of this midnight yowling?), eventually I give
in…suck suck, no sleep for Mommy.

My bed. Once my comfort. Now my dread.

Before the Thing that Happened

Anxiety: Check. Scrambled career: Check. Wellbutrin, Xanax, alcohol: Check. Turned
forty: Check. Therapy: Check. Ambivalence: Double check. Maybe not. No…okay,
check that.

After the Thing that Happened

She is — oh my God, she is life, light, wit, she is Tiger Untamed; she is warmth,
happiness, hero; she is challenge, life, everything; she is best of me, worst of me,
and all her own. She kisses, she holds, she loves, she teaches me I teach myself,
she makes anxiety unimportant, fills me with air, she gives me longing, belonging, a
family, this new portrait: I am Mother Beautiful, wordless with wonder, my daughter my
daughter, oh my daughter.

-Drama Mama

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