
Friday, 20 April 2012

Theme Songs

I attended a seminar at work on Powerful Presentation Skills — not as yawn-inducing
as it may sound. Along with many tips and tricks (my fave one: no human can seriously
take in more than three pieces of info at a time…did you hear all the men sighing in
relief?), the MBA man said, “Oh, and have a theme song. Any time you need to pump
yourself up, play that song, out loud or just in your head.”

And then in the car today, as I RACED from home to No Frills to the fresh turkey aisle
to check out to home again, all in the 30 minutes I had before my husband boarded
another tour van, I heard this song on the radio: “Harder Faster Better Stronger” by Daft
Punk. And it clicked!

Voila — a theme song is born. I have always adored this song and this group, but never
have I realized how inspiring and appropriate the lyrics have been for me. (There is also
a Kanye West remix that I don’t mind, ’cause I’m hip with what the kids like.)

These are pretty much all the VERY deep lyrics:

Work it harder, make it better
Do it faster, makes us stronger

Even before-child, I would listen to this song when I needed to pump myself up.
Somehow, something that makes me feel like running around like a chicken with my
head cut off can be empowering. Also, when this song came out I was in university and
was probably black-out drunk the first time I heard it. Happy memories.

I dare you to listen without tapping your toes. W is pumping his little fist as I type!

- Tightrope Mama

[Daft Punk lyrics are the property of their owners. "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger" lyrics are provided for educational and personal use only.]

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