
Wednesday, 25 July 2012

I LOVE Girls…..

There is a new HBO series named GIRLS that has actually taken me in and spun me around in a tizzy for weeks..Judd Apatow has brought along some amazing female writers to create a weekly space for the subconscious thought.

It is this experience that has led me to a period of grieving….why can't I do this.  Why can't I sit down, lock myself in a room for a year and regurgitate my most inner thoughts and experiences …. And of course create an engaging and thoughtful HIT show.

Okay so the premise… a coming of age series where a 20 something collective struggles with fear, hope, love and sex of everyday life….with lovely outfits and an awesome sound track to boot.  I love mixed tapes!!!!!!  

So here is my thought for all of the momma's out there….lets do this.
Let's start out own collective of narratives, about all of our fears, what we want to be, how we want to love and be loved and how we want to have sex or not have sex. 

I am so tired of the same old…everyone comparing, bragging, prentending…. Lets be who we are ….and share the narratives about what we want to be about and who we actually are and who we can possibly can be.


-Gray Mama

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