
Monday, 21 January 2013

Trip to the Nail Shop

Saturday we had a nice brunch and went off to my mom's. It was my sister's 30th birthday so we had things to organize. We did some shopping and prepared some food. Visited with my grandmother and his. And off we went to the nail shop to get Mom some new feet.
As we arrived, J-man proclaimed that we were at the dentist. I suppose it looked that way from his vantage point. We climbed into the big chair for a bumpy ride. Having a pedi with a pre-schooler on your lap is not the most relaxing thing in the world. But surprisingly it worked. When he got tired of looking around I pulled out the Leap Pad. J-man worked on drawing his letters and decorating photos of my feet.

Like Mom he got a little tired of the drying station. "We ARE ready to go," he told the owner of the shop. She bribed him with 5 more minutes and "You can have a pineapple candy." J-man, always the friendly child, found another woman who was waiting to start. She was texting away. J-man made a B-line and asked if she had photos. She had a bunch of her dog. It worked and Mom's nails were well dry when we left.

Okay, so I probably don't get the mom of the year award: kid in nail fumes, computer games, playing with strangers, and bribery with candy. But it worked. I got new feet (which I desperately needed), there's no permanent damage to the kid, and at the end of it all he said he wanted to go back. "Next time," he said, "I'll get new feet too!"

-Sleepwalking Mama

[image: pinterest]

1 comment:

  1. I say, ROCK ON! Sometimes, you just gotta get pampered even with the little one. I got my toes done at a specialty place with no fumes, while nursing my 4 month old.
