
Friday, 7 September 2012

Name Bubbles

Lo starts preschool next week.

We met with the new teacher last week and she was reviewing the day and what
will be different when Lo starts preschool. The day will be much of the same
around play, art, music, yoga, and sports. But he is starting phonics, math, and
French. This all seems way too quick for me….

He is ready as any little two-and-a-half year old would be, but I just can’t believe
time is flying by so quickly and he will now be learning about things that are
beyond play and learning to interact with other kids. He will be starting school.
Like, real subjects. I am struggling with this, as you can tell; I am struggling with
the fact that he is still a little baby, he still is learning to poo on the potty, to brush
his teeth, to eat with a fork, to figure out peer relations and understand why other
kids keep biting him…yeah, it’s sad. Now the academics come in — this starts a
whole new phase.

There was one simple element in all of this new stuff, and that was
ordering “name bubbles” again. This is a task that reminds me that he is still
a little baby who needs his name on his clothes, reminds me and, well, his
teachers, actually, that he has a home, a place to come back to at the end of the
day, no matter what! And no matter how silly it is, it is that little name bubble with
his name on it that slowed down this fast-moving train for me. Actually, a car.
Which is the one I picked. Irish Moor is the colour, and I picked the child’s play
font. I love stickers!

-Gray Mama

1 comment:

  1. Goodness time goes by way to quickly. The kids just grow up so fast. I can not believe your 2.5 year old is going to learn french he will be smarter than me!
