
Thursday, 25 July 2013

Leaving on a Jet Plane…FRIDAY!

Four of us mamas are off to the BlogHer conference in Chicago this Friday, July 26. As the week is winding up, I am getting a bit anxious about what I should bring to this conference, and thought it might be an interesting exercise to blog about it. Here we go.

Well, there are the basics, which I am not going to list, like toiletries, perfume, undies, and a grown-up bra. And some Spanx, of course!

I was debating about bringing my computer. Being that we are going to a blogging conference, I thought it was a necessity, but my computer is ancient and weighs twenty pounds. So I opted for a pad of paper and a couple of nice pens. One of the other mamas will have to bring a computer since we are planning to blog while we are there.

There are two major parties at the conference, and this took me by surprise. And made me think I have nothing to wear — damn! We’ve decided to go out for dinner on the Friday, just the ladies, so I can wear something I already have. But this party Saturday night at the conference — the pictures show women in very formal gowns and such. I first off do not own a gown, and second off…I am in no shape to fit into a form-fitting beauty from some high-end shop. So I used some birthday money and picked up a cute dress and shoes that I hope do the trick.

Finally, I plan to bring my camera. I have been very lazy about taking photos these days and I want to participate in the digital camera seminar at the conference. I plan to take photos, Mamas! But the ones that are just for us will stay that way. : )

Gray Mama

P.S. Tightrope Mama, bring your breast pump!

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