
Friday, 26 July 2013

Rocking the Do's on the BlogHer13 Shuttle

I haven't been out for a while -- clearly I'm not the only one. The ladies are rockin' the do's on the BlogHer '13 shuttle. We're travelling from hard-core conferencing at the convention centre cross town to the Sheraton Hotel ballroom.

Today we strode from conference room to room, dropping our cards in secret places, moving through the tides, passing by bloggers...some of them with their children -- strollers, toddlers (they brought them? really?). Do we grimace? Ache, perhaps, for our own? Underneath our promises of "this is our time, us time, we are furthering our thing - right?" having left Them behind. But WE are the babies here... This is our turn to be moved around, fed, taught. We are being submersed in this, our childless world, to scramble through the Chicago miasma of cabs and colours, conference rooms and coffee cups, swag bags and doctors who want to help you stop bleeding.

But only women bleed.

And a huge amount of us blog.

In our private moments, our private rooms. Our private pains and pleasures...

Now, under one roof. The writers come out of the closet. The girls have a night out.

And as we sit, listening to the inspirational American pop divas filtering through this big ballroom.

"We're beautiful, no matter what they say. Words won't bring us down."

(Thank you, Christina.)

We wait...

...for the tardy Latifah to introduce the top 12 blog posts of 2013.

We learn. We wade through advice about plug-ins, HTML, and punch lines. We are new here.

Are you?

-Drama Mama

(images by Drama Mama)

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