
Wednesday, 3 July 2013

World’s Best Mom (and Stuff)

There has been much drama in obituary-writing circles as of late over the obituary of Yvonne Brill, which appeared a couple of months ago in the New York Times. The first line of Brill’s obit read, “She made a mean beef stroganoff, followed her husband from job to job and took eight years off from work to raise three children. ‘The world’s best mom,’ her son Matthew said.”

So, basically, she was a great wife and mother. Pretty standard fare for a woman of a certain era. Except that she was also a rocket scientist, and a rather good one at that. In 2011, she was awarded the National Medal of Technology and Innovation by President Obama for an outstanding career, which included being the only female rocket scientist in the United States at one time.

Many have attacked the piece (saying she was “stroganoffed” — I love it!), and it has since been amended. The writer was likely attempting to humanize her before listing her mind-boggling accomplishments, but because his subject was a woman, he only managed to perpetuate a stereotype.

The thing is, Brill was probably just as proud of her status as world’s best mom to her son and fabulous chef to her husband. I’m cringing just writing that, it feels so wrong, but I have to admit that actually cooking a decent meal that my picky daughter enthusiastically eats and my complacent husband praises unbidden is a huge accomplishment for me. It’s challenging, it takes time, and I lack confidence in my skills. If anyone said of me, “She makes a mean beef stroganoff,” I’d be inordinately proud. (And a little perplexed, since I’m a vegetarian.)

But, and it’s a big one, I am also very proud of my professional accomplishments (few that there are), and even though both feel the same inside, and I may brag about both equally, those are the ones I want my daughter to be proud of me for. I’m sure Brill’s son feels the same way. I’m so happy so many people were upset by this obituary. It gives me hope.

East End Mama

[image: The Destination by Danny Haas]

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