
Friday, 22 March 2013

Still Point of the Turning World

I came across this review in the NY Times and had to read it. But I am
scared to read the book. This woman’s writing had previously captivated me
in her 2011 article where she called herself a Dragon Mother in response to
Amy Chua’s novel (which I briefly wrote about here).

As I said, I am definitely scared to read Rapp’s book. She is brave, but her bravery makes me
intensely sad — and worried. Can reading about her troubles manifest them in my own life?
Stupid, I know, but these are exactly the type of crazy-momisms that she had to completely
abandon to care for her son. From what little I have read from her and about her, her journey
was about letting go. Something the average mom is just not equipped to do on the large scale
she is on.

Maybe one day I can honour her and read her book; she deserves that much. SO many of us
moms are writing and talking endlessly about potties and napping — she deserves a space too.
Her journey is not ours and therefore terrifies us all (or me, at least).

-Tightrope Mama

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