
Friday, 1 March 2013

Dread Time

Anyone who’s read this blog knows that J-man has been a poor sleeper since day one (literally).
And bedtime in our house is anything but fun. We went through every sleep book known to
mom, every sleep technique, and what seemed like hundreds of hours of screaming and crying.

At almost three years old things, are not much better. Okay, they are, but they are still not good.
Potty training has added a new incarnation of sleep problem. In the last week or so, almost
every night, right after we’ve done the potty routine, the bath routine, put on the diaper and PJs,
and got into snuggle mode, he starts.

“Mama, I have to go pee.”

Usually I say, “You already did,” but if he hasn’t I turn on the lights, undo the diaper, and start
again. Over the last two nights, when I’ve said, “You peed already,” he’s moved into “I have to
poop.” It’s total nonsense! But we’re potty training, so what do I do?

As with all things, I try to make my call day by day. What I don’t do is give him his LeapPad —
which his dad gives him on the potty if he is going to poop. Last night I refused to let him go.
And this morning there was no poop.

My little devil, as usual, is totally manipulating me and stalling going to bed. It’s the thing I like
best about being a mom. I think I understand why my mom was so sharp. Kids keep you on
your toes. And when you think you’ve got it figured out, they change course. Before it was
blanket on, blanket off, “My blanket fell out of the crib,” “I need water,” and when that didn’t
work, now it’s potty time. Tricky little buggers.

-Sleepwalking Mama

[image: Bedtime by Britt Appleton]

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